Specialised Services

Male Domestic Abuse Support Service

The Male Domestic Abuse Support Service offers one to one confidential support to men of all ages who have/are experiencing domestic abuse in Carlow. These appointments can be in person or over the phone.


This service provides a safe space where men can break down their situation to further their understanding of the complexities of domestic abuse.


Males who use this service can avail of emotional support, receive information on court orders, guardianship, access, social welfare or housing options, and safety planning if necessary. Court accompaniment can be provided if needed.


Please contact 0832088689 to find out more information or arrange an appointment.

Two men having coffee in a park
LGBTI+ support group poster

LGBT+ Family Support Group

Join our free social LGBT+ Family Support Group. This group is for parents, carers, guardians, siblings and family members. Peer support offers emotional, social and practical support to people who share common experiences or personal circumstances.

Members of the LGBT+ Family support group are given the opportunity to explore experiences in a safe, supportive and friendly space, develop friendships and build community along the way. Tea, coffee and biscuits as well as information on other resources are available in a welcoming and accepting environment.

For further information on how to join this group contact Sarah at 083 897 2460 or email sarahgbfrc@gmail.com

Parent/Carer Peer Group

This is a safe space for parents of children with additional needs to come and meet other parents who share similar experiences. Parents and Carers will gain support and learn from each other. 

Occasionally optional workshops are offered to the group and activities range from information sessions to self-care activities such as mindfulness and aromatherapy to creative workshops like Lego play for adults. 

 The group meets every Thursday from 10 am – 12 pm. To join or for further information contact Áine at 0830089055. 

“Talking to likeminded people who understand you is a huge help, this support group is really fantastic” – Group Member

Peer support group