Latest Classes and Groups
Latest Classes and Groups
Please contact us on 059-9722028 with any queries on the latest classes and groups.
Please contact us on 059-9722028 with any queries on the latest classes and groups.
We held a launch event for our Preparing for Life Programme. Afterwards, we celebrated with a culture party with homemade... read more
We were delighted to be able to offer an amazing style workshop to celebrate International Women’s Day. Participants learned how... read more
The Nifty Fifty group have written and illustrated a book called “Memories of Bagenalstown”. The book contains memories that might... read more
In May, we celebrated National Volunteer Week with our lovely volunteers from the Déjà vu Charity shop by having afternoon... read more
We were delighted to welcome Tony O’Reilly, Gambling Addiction Counsellor to Bagenalstown FRC who shared his own story and lived... read more